Payment method

Instructions for payment after purchase

Both payment options are available, including bank transfer and card payment. Please follow the steps below to pay:

  1. Download App : Download the app from .
  2. Specifying a USDT (ETH) address : The USDT (ETH) address required for the purchase will be sent to you automatically by email after placing the order.
  3. Contact : After the automatic email, please contact us, because we know that the first referral may seem new and a bit complicated, but it is actually very simple. We are available 24/7 to help you.
  4. Choose a payment method :
    • Transfer : Transfer the appropriate amount to the USDT (ETH) address received in the email. Pay close attention to using the Ethereum network when exchanging USDT, as you may lose your funds if you do not use the Ethereum network.
    • Pay by card : In the app, select the card payment option and follow the instructions to complete the transaction.

After the payment, as soon as the USDT (ETH) is credited to our account, we send the order to your warehouse immediately.

Unfortunately, due to certain limitations, we have to switch to this solution. On the website, you will find our partner's certificate, which ensures the security of transactions.
