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LGD4033 10

LGD4033 10

Regular price €66,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €66,00 EUR
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Ligandrol (LGD4033), commonly known as Ligandrol, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) type compound. It is known to promote rapid growth of muscle mass while simultaneously reducing body fat. LGD4033 is often chosen as the first choice by male and female bodybuilders to enhance anabolic activity, increase strength and promote muscle growth.

• VK-5211 (aka VK-5211)

LGD4033 10mg/tab (LGD4033 10mg/tablet)
1 box, 2x 25 tablets, 10 mg/tablet

LGD 4033 is not considered a dietary supplement for human consumption, so there are no official dosage recommendations from medical authorities. However, bodybuilders have been using this selective androgen receptor modulator for over a decade, and there is a lot of anecdotal evidence for optimal dosing.

Here are Ligandrol dosage guidelines for LGD 4033 that bodybuilders generally follow: Dosierung für Anfänger: 10 mg/Tag (Beginners: 10 mg per day) Intermediate Dosage 20 mg/Tag (Medium Dosage: 20 mg per day) Advanced: 30 mg/Member (advanced dosage: 30 mg per day)

In order to minimize the likelihood of unwanted effects or side effects, it is recommended to keep the (dosage) below 20 mg.
Store below 30°C (store below 30°C). Protect from light
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